I am a Caregiver

At the Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving we recognize and elevate the essential role family members and caregivers play in caring for people living with dementia. Caring for someone with dementia can be rewarding but also very difficult. Over time, the health needs of the person living with dementia often grow and become more complex, requiring more intensive assistance. This can significantly impact the health and wellbeing of the caregivers, especially if they do not have the support and help they need.

Finding Resources

National Resources

PHCOE-DC is partnered with organizations which are leaders in developing and disseminating supportive programs and services for family caregivers like you. We invite you to visit their websites, where you can find a variety of education, resources and tools that can support you in your role as a caregiver.

Local Resources

If you are looking for programs and resources in your local community, a few places to start are:

Interested in working with our Center?

The voices and lived experiences of our caregivers inspire our work. Learn about our Caregivers & People Living with Dementia Lived Experience Advisory Group and consider submitting your interest form today.